'How can we not respect it if we're going to win?' said Chavista leader
Monthly grants vary from US$73.50 to US$ 2,984 aimed at athletes from youth categories to world medal contenders
Three of the institute's employees were bothering the former minister, Joaquim Leite, who requested info about them
To BdF, Llorca Vega said that money gained from oil helped develop society and strengthen the defense of the environment
The Brazilian Public Security Yearbook shows that the historical racial divide continues in Brazilian prisons
National Plan for Agroecology and Organic Production barred; entities demand the government to prioritize agroecology
The biome, also known as 'Brazilian wetlands,' is facing a lack of water and a record number of fires
Groups flooded the internet with memes associating Fernando Haddad with an alleged 'tax increase'
The final decision will be taken by the National Council of Justice in August
The country planned to build 38,000 km of HSR by 2025 and 45,000 km by 2030, which were already concluded