The US currency rose 17% this year in the country, but has fallen 3.5% in three days
Rise in the dollar boosts political action for cuts in social spending, ignoring positive indicators of Brazil
The goal is that the Global South takes the lead and be an alternative to the US and Israel
The Attorney General's Office will analyze and decide whether or not to denounce Bolsonaro to the Supreme Court
Calls for the definitive suspension of a purchase worth US$ 181,8 million by the Brazilian Army from an Israeli company
Without the agribusiness sector's sympathy, the federal government launched the biggest-ever Harvest Plan
The film shows views of Indigenous people, quilombolas, settlers, and urban dwellers on the state's biggest catastrophe
After outcry, city councilor Rubinho Nunes said he will withdraw bill that imposes rules and fines food donations
About US$ 85,1 billion may be allocated; President Lula will announce a ceremony at Planalto Palace
The declaration was made in an interview with Sociedade Radio, on Tuesday morning (2)