According to him, the wineries case isn’t the only one: “What concerns us is the invisibility of precarious works”
"This is not the program of a government, of a president, but of Brazilian society," Lula declared
Experts argue that he is "as harmful as Moro"; practices flout the Constitution and the rule of law
President of the Republic and governor of the state of São Paulo unite to assist affected areas
Central Bank defends high rates "to contain inflation"; Lula criticizes the move supported by 76% of the population
Brazil’s president said the US should join the Amazon Fund and that a group of countries should discuss peace in Ukraine
Brazilian president arrived in the American capital city on Thursday to resume normal relations
President criticizes high interest rates; CB supports it to curb inflation and demand government to cut expenses
In an interview with TV Brasil, Brazil’s minister of Racial Equality emphasized the importance of the decade-long law
Scholz came here and was mediocre and vexatious in his arrogance of ignorance the new positions of countries like Brazil